How to Choose the Best Breast Pump

With the changing lifestyles and attitude toward living, modern mothers have unique style towards breastfeeding. Have you listened about a breast pump? No, well it is trending nowadays, and the concept has come from Foreign Countries.  However, with such a huge range of breastfeeding pumps on the market, it is very challenging to choose the best breast pump. Today in this article, we are going to share the factors that you may need to consider while choosing the Best Breast Pumps in India.

So, continue reading this article as this is going to help you how to choose the best breast pump for mothers.

Tips to choose the best breast pump

A most common question that is asked by users is what type of breast pump I should choose. We have made this problem easier for you by answering it.

When it comes to breast pump technology, there are many options available; however, the most common as are follows:

Manual Pump:

You can choose a manual pump for breastfeeding. The reason is these are quite easier to handle and much handy for occasional expressing. However, over the time, they can hard to use as you have to keep pumping the handle to create the vacuum.

Electric Pump:

As compare to manual pump, electric pump are more convenient and express more milk. The reason is machine sucks the milk frequently. Electric pumps are useful and recommended if a mother wants to express more milk may be because you are a working woman and need to feed your baby twice, you can use electric breast pump which can extract more milk in less time.
However, it depends on cost as well. If your budget is less than it is recommended to go for a manual, electric pump. If you have a budget and can afford the latest technology, then without a second thought you should go for an electric pump.

A double or single Breast Pump?

Are you confused what pump is more convenient for you? Well, it depends on your needs and requirements. If you want to express milk from time to time, then a single electric breast pump is what you need.

However, if you need to express milk regularly and in more quantity than double breast pump is recommended. It will not only save your time but also help you to save efforts. Another advantage of a double breast pump is it delivers more milk on usual than pumping from each side. This would be the best choice for working moms. The amazing thing is the milk that is obtained by double pumping riches in fat and calorie.

Here are some other factors that you may need to consider for choosing the best breast pump in India.
Why do you need a breast pump?

This is very much important to evaluate why you need a breast pump. Yes, it depends on many factors. The best solution is to consult with your lactation consultant and determine the reasons for buying the best breastfeeding pump. She will help you to understand the situation and give you the advice to follow up.

What is the pumping time?

How many hours a week do you need pumping? Yes, it can help you instantly. Double breast pumps are perfect if you need frequent milk suction. Manual is useful for occasionally.

Nipple Size

It is the most neglected factors and crucial to ponder at the same time. If your nipple shield is not adjustable, then pumping could be challenging, difficult and painful. The breast shield needs to be stimulated at the correct area for milk suction. If the pump is too large or too small, then it can make the milk expression as a nightmare for mums. If the shield is not of fit size, then it can increase the pumping time and can even hurt you. So, always check for the standard size before purchasing. However, not all the nipples sizes could be of standard size. So the best option is to look for the companies that offer customized breast pumps.

BPA Free

BPA is a hormone-disruption chemical that is commonly found in plastic and can hurt health. So, it is essential to look for the products that are BPA free. Many products in the market are manufactured with BPA components, so it is your responsibility to make your breast milk suction- a safe process by choosing only BPA free pumps.

What is Suction and Speed control?

Many electric breast pumps come with limited control settings. However, there are many other brands such as Ameda, ARDO, and Medela which offer customers greater flexibility to adjust the controls. It helps you to find the best level of getting milk expression. A pump with fewer control settings could limit milk expression and can demand a lot of time.

Quality vs. Price

The most important factor when it comes to buying the best breast pump. You should get for what you are paying. And whenever we pay for something, we look for the quality of service. Buying a cheap brand means it will be less efficient and so is the quality. Pumping could also be slow, and sometimes an inferior product can damage your breast. So, it is necessary to find the best product that is not only cost effective but also provides quality regarding timing, control setting, and efficiency.


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