Royal Arcade Melbourne

Don't let the name fool you! We aren't a massive stone structure of receding stairs built in ancient Mesopotamia! Silly goose! Nah don't feel bad, happens allll the time. If we had a dollar for every time someone called up looking for a massive stone structure of receding stairs built in ancient Mesopotamia why, we'd have enough dollars to fill a massive stone structure of receding stairs built in ancient Mesopotamia! Or a piggy bank that we could smash open when we need money for a new club house. Royal Arcade Melbourne
We are Ziggurat, the shop smack bang in the centre of Melbourne selling locally designed leather accessories and other fun stuff. Like umbrellas! And pillow cases! Do you even know how fun pillow cases can be? Heaps! Ask Santa!

Talented Aussies, beautiful designs, snacks hidden in the desk usually, Ziggurat is a great place to be! Welcome to the clubhouse!


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