Turmeric Supplement Singapore
Turmeric is a spice that comes from the root of the turmeric
plant. Commonly used in Asian food and the main spice used in curry, Turmeric
is also known as the golden spice in India. Turmeric contains a yellow-colored
botanical constituent called Curcumin which account for its medicinal health
benefits. Inflammation is the reason for
almost all pain due to knee pain or back pain. Clinical studies have shown that
Curcumin has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and this
explain why turmeric Curcumin Supplement Singaporecan
help alleviate knee pain and swelling in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Most standard
turmeric curcumin supplements available in the market is not well absorbed by
the body. Earth’s Creation CurQLife is a clinically tested turmeric curcumin
supplement that contains a patented curcumin extract which is 48 times more
bioavailable than standard turmeric curcumin supplement. In clinical studies
involving people with osteoarthritis symptoms, CurQLife turmeric curcumin
supplement has been clinically proven to be able to provide pain relief,
reduces joint stiffness and increases mobility.
Health Benefits of CurQLife Turmeric Curcumin Supplement
- Reduce Pain Due to Knee Arthritis or Backache Naturally By
- Better Joint Comfort In As Little As 14 Days
- 48X More Bioavailable Than Standard Turmeric Curcumin
- Safe For Daily Use. No Side Effects
- Patented Formula. Clinically Tested
Turmeric Supplement Singapore For
Brain Health
Curcumin which is the chief botanical constituent present in
Turmeric is a phytonutrient that has a "brain-protective" effect and
a number of clinical studies have shown its positive effect on brain health
including reducing or delaying cognitive decline in Alzeimer's disease.