JetPet Global is launching an Emergency relocation fund

Expat life can be very unpredictable. Unforeseen circumstances occur causing you to relocate, which can result in the devastating realisation that you cannot afford to take your pet with you. JetPetGlobal has seen these heartbreaking situations occur, and the owners unwavering loyalty to their pet as they frantically try to find a way to relocate their beloved family member. Through every setback no matter how big, these owners never have a second thought about overcoming this challenging and very emotional situation. With the guidance and support of JetPetGlobal’s expertise the seemingly impossible was achieved. Our team explored every avenue to overcome the challenges faced by these pet owners and put our initial profit into helping the animal relocate – as in the end this is what is most important to us. Pet Import Services In Bahrain

These situations inspired our Emergency Relocation Fund (ERF). This pet lifeline has been created to provide dedicated pet owners, who are truly in need, a form of support to relocate their animals. To raise money for the fund we sell pet items donated to us by our generous and loyal customers.
If you would like to support this cause and donate a dinar or two, please contact us.

If you are facing significant challenges and require support relocating your animal, please send us your story. All communication is strictly confidential and your need will be considered fairly.
JetPetGlobal does not discriminate. All submissions are assessed in detail and the JetPetGlobal team reserves the right to determine eligibility.

The JetPetGlobal team always provides the best possible service and takes every step to keep your animal safe. We process all documentation, take your pet to the required appointments, carry out the relocation smoothly and efficiently, all while keeping it as cost-effective as possible. Safe and perfect movers Bahrain

So, if you’re facing a challenge and you’re a dedicated pet owner, contact the JetPetGlobal team today to be considered for the programme.


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