Baby and Child Gifts – Winning The Giving Stakes!
When a baby comes along – it’s a wonderful thing, especially
for those family and friends you love. Their happiness is intoxicating, and for
many of us, buying a baby gift is how we celebrate the new arrival.
The hard questions
So, what to get? What baby gift is both useful and lovely?
What child gift won’t end up as landfill? What child gift won’t they grow out
of or what baby or child gift won’t they already have? And finally, what baby
or child gift will both the parents love as much as the baby or child?
Now, of course I am biased because I run a business that
creates investment gift cards for baby and child gifts – but I am not alone in
asking the above questions which were instrumental in why we started
iTrust. Kids Investment Account
Teddy bears…so much more than meets the eye
Take the adorable teddy bear. It’s a safe option, every
child needs at least one and you can’t go wrong on the cuteness stakes. But, if
your bear isn’t the can’t live without (read sleep, feed, travel, play)
favourite teddy bear then your bear is relegated to a toy box. In it goes,
alongside all the other bears and soft toys that only come up for air when the
toy box is turned upside down by a parent trying to encourage their child to play
on their own so they can have 5 minutes to get the jobs done! (I watch my
sister do it with her kids all the time…it’s hit and miss on its effectiveness
to distract my niece.)
Sure that in addition to the chosen one, my nieces have a
few fluffy friends that get to join in dinner time and watch Peppa Pig, but
they are also chewed by the dogs and drowned in dribbles of yogurt and lord
knows what else. Again it’s cute for a while, until you start to wonder, what
bacteria is that bear harbouring!
Roll forward 20 years, the kids have moved on, it’s no
longer cool to take teddy everywhere. What to do? It’s taken up space for so
long, it feels disrespectful to throw it out – think of all the natural
resources it took to make the bear in the first place and now we are going to
put it in the bin, out of sight, out of mind decomposing in a giant landfill
facility, somewhere that isn’t in my backyard.
The savy stock-picker
So with a teddy off the list and thinking about the future,
what about buying shares for a baby or child? Great idea in principle, but
there are some significant drawbacks in the initial required investment,
management (have you ever tried to transfer a share from one name to
another…brainexplosion) and then lordy lord – what to buy? What will still be
around in 20 years and doing well? The once blue chip AMP is a good example of
why that is difficult. Bump Savings Account
Supporting every parents dream that their child is a genius
OK, so appreciating my skill isn’t picking winning stocks on
a 20 year time horizon, I come back to now, and what about a toy that will help
them become a stock picker in the future? Buying a plastic toy as a gift with a
implied educational value demonstrates your interest in the child’s future, but
the actual value may be lower than you think and environmental cost a lot
higher. Plastic is essentially processed oil, which is what really ramps up the
carbon footprint of a child’s birthday party. And to make matters worse, these
gifts are relatively age appropriate and will add to growing mounds of landfill
or plastics flooding our oceans in the not too distant future. Products like
this do become worthwhile if your goal is to drive the parents nuts with unwanted
clutter in their already overflowing houses – just ask my sister who is having
additional cupboards built to store all the *rap that has taken over her living
The trusted bank account
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