These mistakes could make you fail the TOEFL test
TOEFL Reading
The Reading section is the first part of the TOEFL test.
Before you can start, wait for the test center administrator to enter the
password to begin the testing software. Because there are many test takers and
it takes a certain amount of time for everyone to get started, do not rush into
the question interface too quickly, to avoid interference from other test
takers doing headphone and microphone testing.
Manage your time well to attempt all the questions. Do not
spend too much time on a single tough question. All the questions carry equal
marks. The text will remain on the screen as you answer the questions. Last but
not least, you might find it useful to read the questions before jumping into
the passage and trying to find the answer in the passage. Be attentive to the
keywords. TOEFL information
TOEFL Listening
Don’t rush to start the first article (question), instead,
carefully listen to the introduction, pretend it is a part of the question
content and start writing. This can help you to quickly be in the best
condition for the Listening part before starting on the first question.
Stay focused with your ears. You might be more comfortable
and focused if you close your eyes and concentrate on the audio test content.
Keep notes short and simple. Be attentive to nouns and
verbs. Never jump to the main idea in the middle of the listening. Give
yourself a few seconds after listening to understand the central concept.
TOEFL Speaking
There is a 10-minute break before this section. Finish with
a visit to the toilet and your refreshments as soon as possible during the
break, and go back to the test room immediately. The speaking section takes
only about 20 minutes, and if you have had practice with enough questions
before, you should be all right. The entire section starts with a microphone
test. Some test takers might attempt to impress the ETS rater with fast speech,
but speaking too quickly is not recommended. As a non-native English speaker,
speaking too fast might lose clear pronunciation. If the rater cannot
understand your answer, you will lose some points there. Therefore, speak loudly
and clearly at a normal pace, not too slow and not too fast.
Another thing to keep in mind is that your answer does not
have to be true. Be creative. It’s all about how you present the idea you have.
For example, if the question asks you “Who is your childhood hero?” but you
cannot think of anyone at the moment, what do you do? Do not waste time
struggling; quickly make someone up! Your childhood hero could even be a
neighbor who is a national athlete or a war hero that you make up.
Avoid fillers like um, ah, and er. Just pause. Utilize the
15 seconds’ preparation time to structure your answer.
TOEFL Writing
In the Writing section of the TOEFL iBT test, you will be
using a keyboard (a standard QWERTY English keyboard) for the two writing
tasks. It is crucial that you can type at a reasonable speed. Don’t be too
The system will do a word count as you write. Your response
to this task should be at least 300 words.
Completing the test
After the completion of the writing test, you should also
pay attention to the YES/NO content on the screen about whether to retain the
score and whether to agree to use your score as a reference. Don’t make
mistakes. IELTS articles
If you make a mistake, don’t panic. You can correct it by
paying an additional fee on the official website to reclaim your results. As
you click ‘continue,’ you have completed the test. Congratulations! You will
receive your electronic result after ten days.
That’s about it. I hope this article has been helpful and I
wish you well for your TOEFL iBT test.
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